Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Southern Hemisphere Hoo Haa - Australia

The last few weeks in London were hectic. The weather was absurdly cold and I’d started getting angry and over London. The cold snap hit later than usual, and the rides home became arduous with head on gale winds and rain drenching my eyes. I visited the physio the last week prior to leaving three times and was so busy at work I was sending emails from the tarmac. I was thrilled when I finally boarded the plane and set off.

If I wasn’t already dreading the 25hr plane ride enough, I was surprised to learn that there was a ‘surprise’ stopover in Singapore to refuel. This meant I had to work out the correct time to devour my sleeping tablets and without knocking myself out and being spacey for the stopovers, usually just after the first meal service I’d pop one and it would engage me in some form of sleep at best and relaxation in the least.

Table 11
Landing in Australia was weird. I was surprisingly anxious, and unlike previous trips home, I hardly had any nails. I was soon put to ease when I was picked up by Maria and I noticed the drive in had barely changed, only a few new places on an otherwise familiar route home. It was a quick changeover before it was Andy and Kim’s wedding time aka ‘the reason Mones flew home' and 'the girl Mones met in Hamburg at her lowest point in life’. Their wedding was great – both glowing with love. It was wonderful to see both families having a crazy fun time and try to incarnate the hoo haa that was occurring on Table 11 which housed two international fifo’s - Rob and I. Rob looking superb after his three day fifo mission from Indonesia. One of the funniest moments of the wedding was the priest lady saying that she had just bought the parasols so please don’t flog or damage them… twice. Sunday I was lucky enough to see a heap of my mates and smash some Vietnamese and a bottle of Champs (courtesy of Kris) on Vicco Street.

The next few days were a whirlwind and barely deviated from my spreadsheet. Bianca came home late Sunday night from Peru and we jetted off early Monday to meet mum, dad and Granny in Torquay. Torquay was awesome as usual, we spent our Torquay days by the beach, frequenting my fav breaky haunts and Tuesday night we went for a family dinner at the cousins in Ocean Grove. It was great seeing all the cousins’ children being loud, crazy and grown up so much in 12 months. One of the kids was hilarious and pointed at granny’s mole on her upper lip and said she would get her wart remover to fix it! That night I was fortunate enough to pop in to my mate Andy’s place and catch up with my footy crew, the Eden’s.

Leaving on Wednesday Traralgon bound it was a fab little catch up with friends at mum and dads new house. It was weird having returned after over a year. I didn’t get to Traralgon on my last visit so I hadn’t been there
since November 2014, when I still had my Nonna, and  my family home with the glorious resort pool. This time, there was no Sunderland circuit mansion, the pool was utilised on the fine hot day by another family, my Nonna’s house was gone and replaced with mum and dads new house. It was bizarre not entering via the back entrance and seeing an almost identical view with the old garage but not entering Nonna’s house and smelling sugo. In its place is a modernish home. My room is spacious, presumably it’s in case mum needs to put a cot in there (wishful thinking). There is also no bath in addition to the lack of pool, so my incentive to return is significantly decreased, however I still look forward to seeing my family, friends, and visiting Three Little Birds. Lynny put on a great spread and we had a great turn out in Traralgs, having some decent throw backs with my dear friends Alice, Lell, Kimmay Stoll, the Gathercoles, Malco’s and Chan sleeping over like old times. My god son P.S. is now tall and hugged me which is worth a mention as he is usually far less affectionate than Bj and Rubes who love a hug.   

I was out of Traralgs the next morning and headed for Melbs, where I was relieved to spend my grand finale days prior to South Africa, seeing my fabulous friends, frequenting my fav haunts; middle park beach in front of Sandbar Restaurant and my old trusty brunchy East Elevation and Green Park. I also got to see more of Meady who was off work sick as his
Gee & Mones
flesh was being consumed by an antibiotic resistant super bug. Friday night out was a scandal with a proposal from Josh with a BMW key ring, his mind undoubtable obscured by the effects of alcohol, having had two months off. I felt privileged that he drank for me and look forward to my watch and the Maldives J. It was a nice coincidence to share my drinks with Luke’s 30th celebrations too at the new haunt Arbory, and seeing a bunch of mates I thought I wouldn’t see , including Lagos BF. Here I was reunited with my beloved Izzy who stayed over and kept me company like old times in London. Saturday surprisingly I woke up alright (Izzy, not so good) and had a house party BBQ where I got to consume my fav Beef sausages and potatos tots. I also had a great turn out, with more London visitors – Iz and Gee (my caramel coloured netball boyfriend) and I got to see Phoebs, the newly engaged Jayno, Wife Laura plus her new brown eyed beau Michael, Kate, Lily + tribe, Gaz and boys. The night owl saw us deviate down Brunswick Street and being serenaded to at the place next to Black Pearl by the hot to trot Hugo who somehow got away with dropping my least fav P word without me going nuts at him. Best On Ground was Phoebs gyrating some dudes legs and proclaiming to me that everyone was boring, and needed to dance haha.           

Mones, Yank & Lell - Friends +30 years

Finally the last day Sunday, I returned to Middle Park and got to spend the last day getting some rays. Boom Boom dropped by and then I went to Republica for Blaise’s birthday where I got to spend some final precious hours with KB, Phoebs and Kim. My whirlwind week was over and I was grateful to everyone I saw, sad for those I missed and annoyed with all the movement as I boarded the plane for another three flights to get there adventure in South Africa.

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