Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Juxtaposed Antipode

If ever there could be a defining moment of me as a bipolar, it would be now. Not only do I feel like I have two lives across the other side of the world, I am so toey and on edge about things, bored and underwhelmed and somewhat overwhelmed also. I can’t work out if its because I’ve been a bit sick lately, or if the lack of salt water and sun has finally torn me down, but this lack of vitamin D and this pale white at mid-summer is definitely not agreeing with me, I can’t stop thinking about my perfect place- somewhere between Torquay, Melbourne and London. And I can’t work out if I’m as happy as Rolf Harris in the 70’s or as sad as Mitch Clarke, whether I’m a Yaris (a cheap hybrid) or a Tesla. Maybe it is just the weather thing, but at the moment I just feel so detached. I feel like I’m on the new earth that’s just been discovered. Am I ok and everyone else isn’t, or vice versa?

There are so many poignant moments in my life and I wonder as I approach 30 (or as Girthy likes to refer; Dirty 30) if I have suddenly become a reflective person, or I am just being melodramatic, but i can't help but wonder that when I had the choose your own adventure option, I just chose the wrong way. What about dudes... Have I been too picky, or are they all just dicks? Have I focused too much on experiences that I forgot I was getting older and have left all that life stuff too late? Or instead of ‘seizing the moment’ have I just been running from it? Whatever it is, I have hit the age where I can’t tell anymore whether people are generally interested or just taking the piss… after all we all know how entertaining I can be or maybe i'm just taking the piss! Conversely, I am a self-proclaimed opportunist- the first to give 100%, or jump on board some spontaneous idea  – anyone keen for a short flight and some sun tanning action this weekend??  

I’m in this transient state with two lives across opposite sides of the globe. Even when I made a phone call the other day I was using a hybrid of the English phonetic language and the Aussie ‘Wheel of fortune based phonetic alphabet;’  ‘B is for Boris, O is for Orange, R for Romeo, T is for Tango. I was relieved when I called Australia and the lady on the receiving end said ‘S for Sugar.’ People have started to notice me in my transient state, which when I’m depressed doesn’t happen until I’ve got drunk and made an absolute dick of myself. Telling my mate his step dad has hairy shoulders, or me overindulging in Berlin, waking up with a ‘100 year hangover’ and vomiting in a recycling bin- although are quite low points in my life, however do not qualify as I’m mostly happy. I’m just either too happy or in a bad mood. Actually a colleague rang me last night and said (although jokingly) that he doesn’t think he will be able to cope if my bad mood continues. And a colleague just now, I tore his head off once he enquired how I was, literally forgetting that that’s what all English people do ‘ya right?’ ‘you ok?’ gahhhh, most annoying question!!! “I’M FINE here on my newly discovered Earth planet!”  

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