I’m having
some writing block issues so apologies for the blog delays and if this one is
Friday was
my first full day in Budapest
and I spent most of it in bed or with my head in a toilet- or at one stage bikini
clad I actually vomited in the pot plant on the rooftop terrace- class. Hung to
the over I was. It serves me right. Apparently I didn't take the hint I needed
to take it easy when I blacked out on the plane on the way over, cos as soon as
I felt better (thanks mostly to Magda the human beanstalk of a flight
attendant) I took on the mission to get rowdy upon my arrival to Budapest and
that is what happened…a somewhat classy dinner, turned to a boozy dinner,
followed by shots at Alatraz, and ruin bars.
After the
pot plant incident I realised I had exited the confines of my hotel room
prematurely and sought a couple of hours more refuge in the hotel room. Sarah
was great, providing me with coca cola which made me feel better and I settled
in watching BBC on rotation. I learnt some interesting facts about apples- Poland are the worlds biggest exporters of
apples (£490m industry), 90% of their exports went to Russia (20,000 apples in 80 trucks
per day). Now with the trade between Poland
and Russia ceasing-
basically Poland
are stuffed. Also watching BBC I decided
I’ve lost track of who is killing who, the Iraqis are killing themselves, ISIS
are living in medieval times bringing back the beheading to anyone and
everyone, and the Gaza strip is on fire- Egypt are even trying to broker
deals... So much bloodshed at present, it has got me thinking the world has
become really confused. (Trigger side tangent) I remember when I was little
hearing the same about the wars in Eastern Europe
thinking it would never end. I love the fact that now having travelled through Croatia, Bosnia
and Slovenia
and having a mix of Serbian and Croatian friends that live in peace how lucky I
am and hope that one day that the same can happen here. Although I actually
think there will be a tipping point at some stage in the UK and it will just cause more
madness. Perhaps that’s why I took so much more in of my hangover time
absorbing facts about apples…before donning my sunglasses and braving the
world… in aid of a kebab which, thankfully like bars- are everywhere.
Budapest is an amazing city. Its beauty is
matched only by its bars. They are scattered everywhere and remind me very much
of eclectic Fitzroy that I miss so much. We had an early night and decided to
take the delights of Budapest
in the next morning. We woke up early, fresh as daisies and took to a walking
tour. What a beautiful city, with a vast history of wars and battles (mostly
lost). Having walked it, and discovered the history it all made so much more
sense. Particularly the communist aspect- which I think becomes apparent by the
lack of customer service. Its not that the Hungarians aren’t nice, its merely
the fact the service tax is inclusive so they don’t need to try, so they just
don’t, it reminded me, including the décor of Cuba actually! After the walking
tour we cracked on at some of the bars, and I decided to bypass Alcatraz the
bar that seemed to be where it all went wrong a couple of nights ago and revisit
the place where all the fun occurred - actually, when I walked in I had
butterflies not having remembered much except that I had a ripping time,
support a large purple bruise on my thigh and then spent most of the next day
vomiting. All began to come back to me when I went to the bar to be served by
my favourite Hungarian Eminem look-a-like-but hotter barman ‘Zoltan’ and he
started laughing along with the rest of the bar staff saying I kept coming up
to him and saying ‘Tie me up’ in Hungarian , I apologised and asked him where
he was from and when he replied with Central Nigeria, I realised I’d spent
quite significant portions of my night referring to him as my Hungarian
boyfriend and pointing him out to everyone and saying so much haha thankfully
he was just as gorgeous as I remembered. A little bit drawn still from my messy
first night, this time it was Sarah’s turn to get rowdy. To be fair most of it
was my fault cos I didn’t want anymore shots so having ordered them, she had to
drink both! After a great night out we called it a night and I carried her part
of the way home. She was hilarious pointing out every Kebab shop on the way.

The next day I woke up early with the James Bond mission to find Sarah a Kebab.
On Jesus’s day of rest she suggested perhaps Tesco may not be open and I said
‘I didn’t know Tesco was catholic’ haha dumb moment Mones!!! I managed to
complete the mission arriving triumphantly back to the hotel with an American Hot
dog and bottles of bubbly- water this time though! Both of us retreated back to
our beds and watched some more BBC before I decided to have a sauna and attempt
to remove some of those pesky toxins out of my body. I then treated myself to a
thai massage which was so painful I was cringing. I was mentally trying to
figure out whether it was pleasure or pain, and then I realised as I watched
real-time bruises appearing on my legs, that pain was the answer but when I
asked her to do it more softly she seemed to punish me more exclaiming that I
was soft and should’ve got an aroma massage instead.. I have never felt so
violated in my life, I looked like I’d been paint balling and everyone was
having shots at me. We treated ourselves to a lunch kebab and headed out to
watch the Grand Prix. It was ridiculously funny walking in to an English bar
and telling them all there is no point going for Hamilton because Ricciardo was
going to win. To my amusement having started 7th on the grid he soon
hit the lead and dominated the Belgian grand prix, the bucks party adjacent
were rowdy and as I left Sarah there to head on yet another walking tour- (this
time the communist Budapest walking tour) I said ‘Sarah i’m going, let me know
when you are coming’ and the obnoxious fat English guy goes to me ‘I will make
you come tonight’ to his dismay he scored a slap fair across his cheek. Budapest may be able to
beat me but those obnoxious boys will not! I met 2 lovely young Australian (my
favourite) boys on the walking tour who dove for every spot of shade and
seating along the way so I soon realised they were suffering the repercussions
of their début night out in Budapest- a severe near life ending hangover. After
the tour we went to the Jewish markets and I bought some earrings and Sarah
came and met me and we had a delicious Thai dinner and some quieter drinks. Again
like deja vu we ventured to our fav bar, except this time my head held high and
Sarah’s drooping lowly, my Hungarian boyfriend was not working. I was actually
quite sad. All good, it was Sunday night, Jesus’s day of rest so it was a quiet
almost end to our adventure. The next day was my fav. We spent the day
sun baking on the roof, the Vitamin D being exactly what we both needed. Our
Easyjet flight home was slightly less dramatic. No pass outs just a healthy
sleep the whole flight home. Thanks Budapest
we gave you a nudge and came off worse off but geez we had fun.